With over 670,000 listings across major resale platforms, charity-linked discount finder Savoo identified Zara as the most popular secondhand brand. Aside from Nike, Adidas, H&M, Victoria’s Secret, Asos, Levi’s, Louis Vuitton, Gucci and Chanel, other brands with high listings volumes are Nike, Adidas, H&M, Victoria’s Secret and H&M.

Depop, eBay, Vestiaire Collective (though the platform recently pledged to ban fast fashion by 2025) and Asos Marketplace all feature Zara products.

Recently, Zara has been targeted by environmental activists despite its popularity in the thrift world. Extinction Rebellion protesters voiced their support for secondhand clothing outside the retailer’s Amsterdam store on Black Friday.

Sustainability continues to transform the way we shop and consumers are becoming more vocal about what they want in a brand.