It’s no secret at this juncture that the fashion industry adores pretty young things and we do mean that literally. Models nowadays get their start as young as just 14 or 15 years old, and if you flip through the pages of any major fashion magazine, you swiftly understand that women above a certain age are just not part of the club.

This lack of diversity has been well discussed and is unfortunate especially when there are so many beautiful older models out there! But some designers are starting to catch on; major brands like Ralph Lauren, Dolce & Gabbana and CĂ©line have cast more mature women in their campaigns over the past few seasons. The tides seem to be changing, and every baby step counts so here is our own little baby step we want to contribute.

Over 70 women continue to be in a print magazine, and ad campaigns, and even by penning their own history, unbelievable ! Do not you think?